Wednesday 29 June 2016


பொய்யாய செல்வத்தே புக்கழிந்து நாள்தோறும்
மெய்யாய்க் கருதிக் கிடந்தேனை ஆட்கொண்ட
அய்யா என் ஆருயிரே அம்பலவா என்று அவன் தன்
செய்யார் மலரடிக்கே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ

In this song, Manickavasagar says his stage before and after being blessed by the lord at Tirupperunthurai.
Before seeing the lord, he considered the wealth that will disappear one day as permanent. He had a wrong mindset and was confused by thinking of temporary as permanent.
பொய்யாய செல்வத்தே புக்கழிந்து நாள்தோறும்
மெய்யாய்க் கருதிக்கிடந்தேன்....
But the lord of ambalam - shiva (அம்பலவா), who is Manickavasagar's precious possession (என் ஆருயிர்) , came and took him to His folds (எனை ஆட்கொண்ட ஐயா). Thereafter everything changed. He realised what was real and what was not.
Manickavasagar asks the bee to go and buzz in front of the lord whose feet is a flower (செய்யார் மலரடி) having honey that is sweet forever and every bee which went there and tasted the honey will never come back from that place.

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